Aikido bridge seminar, Amsterdam, 16.-18.4.2010

Expose yourself to art, and you'll come to appreciate it and aspire to make it. Expose yourself to fast food ads and you'll crave french fries. Expose yourself to angry mobs of uninformed, easily manipulated protesters and you'll want to join a mob. Expose yourself to anger and you might get angry too. Expose yourself to people making smart decisions and you'll probably learn how to do it as well. ... It's a choice if you want it to be. (From a post from Seth Godin's Blog ) Člani kluba Dokiai smo se izpostavili vrhunskemu aikidu treh mojstrov: Christiana Tissiera , Hiroshija Ikede in Wilka Vriesmana . Udeležili smo se Aikido Bridge seminarja v Amsterdamu na Nizozemskem. Uživali smo na tatamijih in izven njih. Družili smo se z aikidokami z Nizozemske, iz Nemčije, Francije, Belgije, Češke, Združenih Arabskih emiratov, Tunizije, Združenih držav Amerike, Slovenije in še od kod. Temu primerno smo se predajali tudi kulinaričnim užitkom , ki jih nudi mesto kot je Ams...